
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

How to transfer cash games and application data on the external card in Android

If you run out of space in the internal memory, you'll have to migrate your applications and data (the cache, maps, and music, images, and data bases) on the external SD-card. Unless, of course, your device has the appropriate slot and a memory card is inserted a large volume. However, not all developers provide us with such an opportunity, in addition to the latest versions of Android were revised settings to access external card and transfer it to the application by regular means it became impossible. To solve this problem, you must seek the assistance program FolderMount, which is able to mount any folder you selected from the internal section to the specified folder on the external card.
android data transfer windows

The process of using the program is quite simple and consists of several sequential steps in the process that you have to link two folders among themselves, that is to form a pair. Please note that for FolderMount require root access.

1. Run the program. In the main window in the upper right corner click the icon in the form of a plus.

2. A dialog box appears with several fields. In it you need to enter the following data:
«Name» - a name for the pair;
«Source» - select the folder, the data from which you want to transfer;
«Destination» - specify the folder on the SD-card, which will be transferred to the content.

3. After this, confirm your selection by pressing the check box in the header of the window, with a warning to agree to postpone your data and wait for the end of the operation.

4. Finally, click on the icon next to the names of the pins you have created a pair, then both folders will be connected (mounted) to each other.

As a result of these actions any file manager will tell you that in both folders you have created a pair contains the same set of files. But in fact, all the data is physically located on the SD-card and in the internal section contains only images of the files necessary for the proper operation of the program.

Additionally, the program is able to show FolderMount size sections and contains a handy analyzer application that is able to show you a list of applications that you should first move to SD-card.
You just need to click on any item on the list to immediately see the number of released space. There is also a button to automatically create a mount point for this application.

If you need to remove the applications that you have previously transferred using FolderMount, you must first unmount the corresponding pair by clicking on the pin icon next to its name. However, he once again becomes colorless. Then we have a long tap on the title and the top pair appears basket. After clicking on it the program will offer to transfer the data in their original location, and the couple will be removed.

In the catalog of applications Google Play are two versions FolderMount: free and commercial. When using a free application functionality it has several limitations, the most significant of which is the inability to create more than three mount points. However, if you simply need to transfer a large cash games to release several gigabytes of internal memory, then that is enough, and the trial version of the program.

Have you used the program FolderMount to release space in the internal memory of your device? Or maybe you know another effective way? Write about your experience in the comments!